Saturday, September 10, 2005

Monopod crashes on startup

I liked to try Monopod, a mono podcasting client, written by Edd Dumbill, but it crashed on my computer when I started it.

My system is a amd64 with a Debian distribution, and it looks like there's a problem with trayicon support somewhere.

The error is something like: X window system error (can't find the real error right now). I created a patch around the problem. With this patch you can use monopod, but it won't show the trayicon. So maybe there is stuff missing, that I still can't see. But at least you can now try the program.

The patch, no warranty, it works with monopod-0.4.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I won a perl book on

I won the Perl Testing Developer Notebook on This book is written by Ian Langworth and chromatic. I'm very happy and curious about when it will arrive.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

My website is working again.

A few weeks ago, I lost my harddisk because of a crash. On this harddisk was the software with which I generate my website. Until last saturday I haven't had time to set it all up again.

I wrote the software for creating the website myself. It generates pages using a few templates and a directory of posts and articles. The website is at It also contains a part that can create a blog.

The blog now has monthly archive pages, tags/categories, permalinks and of course the software that comes with it. So at least I can add features where I think it's necessary. That is a great feature for programmers.

The only thing that I still need are comments. Users can't post comments on the weblog. It's one the things that weblogs really need. I'm not yet sure, how to create commnents in a way that's easy and useful.