Sunday, September 04, 2005

My website is working again.

A few weeks ago, I lost my harddisk because of a crash. On this harddisk was the software with which I generate my website. Until last saturday I haven't had time to set it all up again.

I wrote the software for creating the website myself. It generates pages using a few templates and a directory of posts and articles. The website is at It also contains a part that can create a blog.

The blog now has monthly archive pages, tags/categories, permalinks and of course the software that comes with it. So at least I can add features where I think it's necessary. That is a great feature for programmers.

The only thing that I still need are comments. Users can't post comments on the weblog. It's one the things that weblogs really need. I'm not yet sure, how to create commnents in a way that's easy and useful.


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